
50. Blain SA, Justen HC, Langdon QK, Delmore KE. In press. Repeatable selection on large ancestry blocks in an avian hybrid zone. Molecular Biology and Evolution.

49. Delmore KE, DaCosta JM, Winker K. 2025. Thrushes in love: extensive gene flow, with differential resistance and selection, obscures and reveals the evolutionary history of a songbird clade. Molecular Ecology e17635.

48. Weissensteiner MH*, Delmore KE*, Peona V, Lugo Ramos JS, Arnaud G, Blas J, Faivre B, Pokrovsky I, Wikelski M, Partecke J, Liedvogel M. 2025. Combining individual-based radio-tracking with whole-genome sequencing data reveals candidates for the genetic basis of partial migration in a songbird. Ecology and Evolution 15: e70800. * these authors contributed equally to this work

47. Wynn J, Fandos G, Delmore KE, Van Doren B, Liedvogel M. 2024. Could bi-axial orientation explain range expansion in a migratory songbird? Journal of Avian Biology e03196.

46. Justen H, Easton W, Delmore KE. 2024. Mapping seasonal migration in a songbird hybrid zone; heritability, genetic correlations and genomic patterns linked to speciation. PNAS 121 (18) e2313442121.

45. Blain SA, Justen H, Easton W, Delmore KE. 2024. Reduced hybrid survival in a migratory divide between songbirds. Ecology Letters 27, e14420.

44. Rudolf J, Philipello N, Dickman D, Delmore KE. 2024. Night-time neuronal activation of Cluster N in a North American songbird. 19(3): e0300479.

43. Louder MIM, Justen H, Kimmitt AA, Lawley KS, Turner LM, Dickman JD, Delmore KE. 2024. Gene regulation and speciation in a migratory divide between songbirds. Nature Communications 15:98.

42. Winker K and Delmore KE. 2023. Seasonally migratory songbirds have different historic population size characteristics than resident relatives. eLife 12:RP90848.

41. Thompson K, Brandvain Y, Coughlan J, Delmore KE, Justen H, Linnen C, Ortiz-Barrientos D, Schneemann H, Schumer M, Stelkens R. 2023. The ecology of hybrid incompatibilities. Cold Spring Harbor “Perspectives on Speciation” (compendium of ~40 articles). doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a041440.

40.  Delmore KE, Justen H, Kay K, Kitano J, Moyle L, Stelkens R, Streisfeld M, Yamasaki Y, Ross J. 2023. Genomic approaches are improving taxonomic representation in genetic studies of speciation. Cold Spring Harbor “Perspectives on Speciation” (compendium of ~40 articles). doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a041438.

39. Delmore KE, Van Doren BM, Ullrich K, van der Jeugd HP, Liedvogel M. 2023. Structural genomic variation is associated with individual migratory behavior in wild songbirds. Evolution Letters eLife 12:RP90848.

38. Alario A, Trevino M, Justen H, Woodman CJ, Roth TC, Delmore KE. 2023. Learning and memory in hybrid migratory birds: cognition as a reproductive isolating barrier across seasons. Scientific Reports 13:10866.

37. Maness RW, Thorn CS, Hulke JM, Delmore KE, Criscione CD. 2023. Population genomics of Helminth parasites. Accepted to the Journal of Parasitology 17:e29.

36. de Greef E, Suh A, Thorstensen M, Delmore KE*, Fraser K*. 2023. Genomic architecture and adaptive potential of migration timing in a long-distance migratory songbird. Scientific Reports 13:2437. * these authors contributed equally to this work

35. Justen H, Delmore KE. 2022. The genetics of bird migration. Current Biology 32:PR1144-R1149.

34. Justen H, Hasselmann T, Illera JC, Delmore KE, Flinks E, Senyaki M, Kawamura K, Helm B and Liedvogel M. 2022. Population-specific association of Clk gene polymorphism with annual cycle timing in stonechats. Scientific Reports 12:7947.

33. de Greef E, Brashear W, Delmore KE*, Fraser K*. 2022. Genetic differentiation between northern and southern breeding colonies of a declining aerial insectivore and potential constraints on latitudinal natal dispersal. Journal of Avian Biology e02929. * these authors contributed equally to this work

32. Terry R, Ramirez LE, Carrera C, Kimmitt A, Delmore KE, Goulart A. 2021 A zugunruhe data collection system using passive infrared sensors. PURSUE: Undergraduate Research Journal 4:2.

31. Justen H, Lee-Yaw J, Delmore KE. 2021. Extrinsic postzygotic isolation in a migratory divide between subspecies groups of a North American songbird. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30:2043-2056.

30. Delmore KE*, Van Doren BM*, Conway GJ, Curk T, Garrido-Garduño T, Germain RR, Hasselmann T, Hiemer D, van der Jeugd HP, Justen H, Lugo Ramos JS, Maggini I, Meyer B, Phillips RJ, Remisiwicz M, Roberts GC, Sheldon BC, Vogl W, Liedvogel M. 2020. Individual variability and versatility in an eco-evolutionary model of avian migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287:20201339. * these authors contributed equally to this work

29. Justen H, Kimmit A, Delmore KE. Estimating hybridization rates in the wild: easier said than done? Evolution, 75:2137-2144.

28. Feng et al. (139 authors including Delmore KE). Densely sampling genomes across the diversity of birds increases power of comparative genomics analyses. Nature, 587: 252–257.

27. Delmore KE, Illera JC, Perez-Tris J, Segelbacher G, Ramos JSL, Durieux G, Ishigohoka J, Liedvogel M. 2020. The evolutionary history and genomics of European blackcap migration. eLife 9:e54462.

26. Rennison DJ*, Delmore KE*, Samuk K, Owens GL, Miller SE. 2020. Shared patterns of genome-wide differentiation are more strongly predicted by geography than by ecology. American Naturalist, 195:192-200. * these authors contributed equally to this work

25. Wang S, Rohwer S, Delmore KE, Irwin DE. 2019. Cross decades stability in an avian hybrid zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32:1242-1251.

24. Irwin DE, Milá B, Toews DPL, Brelsford A, Kenyon HL, Porter AN, Grossen C, Delmore KE, Alcaide M, Irwin JH. 2018. A comparison of genomic islands of differentiation across three young avian species pairs. Molecular Ecology 27:4839-4855.

23. Delmore KE, Liedvogel M. 2020. Avian population genomics taking off: latest findings and future prospects. In Statistical Population Genomics. Springer, Germany.

22. Delmore KE, Lugo J, Van Doren BM, Lundberg M, Bensch S, Irwin DE, Liedvogel M. 2018. Comparative analysis examining patterns of genomic differentiation across multiple episodes of population divergence in birds. Evolution Letters doi:10.1002/evl3.46.

21. Liedvogel M*, Delmore KE*. 2017. Evolutionary potential of bird migration. In Bird species, how they arise, modify and vanish. In press. Springer, Germany. * these authors contributed equally to this work

20. Samuk K, Owens G, Delmore KE, Miller S, Rennison D, Schluter D. 2017. Gene flow and selection interact to promote adaptive divergence in regions of low recombination. Molecular Ecology, 6:4378-4390.

19. Lugo J, Delmore KE, Liedvogel M. 2017. Candidate genes for migration do not distinguish migratory and non-migratory birds. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 203: 383–397.

18. Toews DPL, Delmore KE, Osmond MM, Taylor PD, Irwin ED. 2017. Migratory orientation in a narrow avian hybrid zone. PeerJ, 5:e3201.

17. Irwin DE, Alcaide M, Delmore KE, Irwin JH, Owens GL. 2016. Recurrent selection explains parallel evolution of genomic regions of high relative but low absolute differentiation in a ring species. Molecular Ecology, 25:4488-4507.

16. Delmore KE, Toews DPL, Germain RR, Owens GL, Irwin DE. 2016. The genetics of seasonal migration and plumage color. Current Biology, 26:pR1155-R1157.

15. Delmore KE*, Liedvogel M*. 2016. Investigating factors that generate and maintain variation in migratory orientation: a primer for recent and future work. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, special issue “Frontiers in Animal Orientation”, 10:3. * these authors contributed equally to this work Link

14. Delmore KE, Kenyon HL, Germain RR, Irwin DE. 2015. Phenotypic divergence during speciation is inversely associated with differences in seasonal migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282:20151921. Link

13. Johnson SE*, Delmore KE*, Brown KA, Wyman TM, Louis EE Jr. 2015. Niche divergence in a brown lemur hybrid zone: Using ecological niche models to test models of stability. International Journal of Primatology, online early. * these authors contributed equally to this work Link

12. Germain RR, Schuster R, Delmore KE, Arcese P. 2015. Habitat preference facilitates successful early breeding in an open-cup nesting songbird. Functional Ecology, 29:1522. Link

11. Delmore KE, Hübner S, Kane NC, Schuster R, Andrew RL, Câmara F, Guigo Roderic, Irwin DE. 2015. Genomic analysis of a migratory divide reveals candidate genes for migration and implicates selective sweeps in generating islands of differentiation. Molecular Ecology, 24:1873. Link

10. Delmore KE, Irwin DE. 2014. Hybrid songbirds employ intermediate routes in a migratory divide. Ecology Letters, 17:1211. Link

9. Delmore KE, Brenneman RA, Lei R, Bailey C, Brelsford A, Johnson SE. 2013. Clinal variation in a brown lemur hybrid zone: Combining morphological, genetic and climatic data to examine stability. Journal Evolutionary Biology, 26:1677. Link

8. Brown K, Johnson SE, Parks KE, Holmes SM, Ivoandry T, Abram NK, Delmore KE, Ludovic R, Andriamaharoa HE, Wyman TM, Wright PC. 2013. Use of provisioning ecosystem services drives loss of functional traits across land use intensification gradients in tropical forests in Madagascar. Biological Conservation, 161:118. Link

7. Delmore KE, Fox JW, Irwin DE. 2012. Dramatic intraspecific differences in migratory routes, stopover and wintering sites revealed using light-level geolocators. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279: 4582-4589. Link

6. Brenneman RA, Johnson SE, Bailey CA, Ingraldi C, Delmore KE, Wyman TM, Andriamaharoa HE, Ralainasolo FB, Ratsimbazafy JH, Louis EE Jr. 2012. Population genetics and abundance of gray-headed lemurs in Madagascar. Oryx 46:298-307. Link

5. Delmore KE, Louis EE Jr., Johnson SE. 2011. Morphological characterization of a brown lemur hybrid zone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 145:55-66. Link

4. Delmore KE, Keller MF, Louis Jr. EE, Johnson SE. 2009. Rapid primatological surveys of the Andringitra forest corridors: direct observation of the greater bamboo lemur. Lemur News 14:49-52. Link

3. Tokiniaina H, Bailey CA, Shore GD, Delmore KE, Johnson SE, Louis EE, and Brenneman RA. 2009. Characterization of 18 microsatellite marker loci in the white-collared lemur. Conservation Genetics 10:1459-1462. Link

2. Crowe SA, Kleven O, Delmore KE, Laskemoen T, Nocera JJ, Lifjeld JT, and Robertson RJ. 2009. Paternity assurance through frequent copulations in a wild passerine with intense sperm competition. Animal Behavior 77:183-187. Link

1. Delmore KE, Kleven O, Laskemoen T, Crowe SA, Lifjeld JT, and Robertson RJ. 2008. Sex allocation and parental quality in tree swallows. Behavioral Ecology 19:1243-1249. Link